When you own a commercial business with a parking lot or parking garage, one aspect of that lot is ensuring that it’s ADA compliant. Every facility, existing or new, must adhere to strict guidelines and meet minimum standards. So what is required to keep your parking lot ADA compliant? This blog post will cover the requirements.
Enough Compliant Parking Spaces
The required number of spaces depends on the number of parking slots your parking lot contains. For every six standard stalls, one must be accessible. Any fraction of six accessible spots must be van accessible.
Let’s say your lot has 150 standard parking spaces. Then you must have five accessible parking spots and one van-accessible area. If you have 300 stalls, you need seven accessible parking spots and two van-accessible parking spots.
Dimensions of the Spaces
Van-accessible stalls must be 11 feet wide, and standard accessible spots must be 8 feet wide. The access aisles on either side of the spaces must contain 5 feet of space. The parking spots and access spaces must have clear markings to discourage non-accessible clients and customers from parking there.
Location of Spaces
The accessible parking spots must have the shortest route to the building or facility the spaces serve. If your lot has multiple businesses, you must disperse the accessible parking stalls to meet this requirement. Shopping centers are a prime example of this. There are numerous storefronts, and the lot must spread out the accessible spaces to accommodate them.
Signage must contain the Internal Symbol of Accessibility to identify the spaces properly. If the parking spot is van-accessible, the sign must include the phrase “van-accessible.” The bottom of mounted signage must sit 5 feet off the ground. Now both motorists and local law enforcement can visibly see the signs.
Precise Property Maintenance will help ensure your parking lot is ADA compliant by following the requirements. We’re a parking lot striping company in Arlington, Texas, with knowledgeable professionals who’ll ensure your lot is up to code. Contact us to learn more about the fantastic services we offer.
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Precise Property Maintenance is Dallas-Fort Worth’s premier parking lot striping professional